This is for other Ghostbusters Props that don't fit into the categories above.
Been wanting to make a belt gizmo replica for a while, but I'm not sure what to use for the base board. I know there's already plenty of complete replicas and kits out there, but I'd like to make one myself that still uses a calculator board, ideally without paying the $1000 cost that the ICC-808D model goes for now.

Any recommendations for alternate calculator models would be greatly appreciated.

    There's one I've had on a shelf for decades, Dic[…]

    Hasbro Ghostbusters

    Comic Con would be a good opportunity to reveal th[…]

    Help on GBFans Bargraph

    Alright I had a hunch and flipped the bargraph rib[…]

    Hey man would you mind if I used your ghost trap s[…]