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By kernuyckdave
Hi all,

Apologies the updates weren't out by last week, there's been a very unexpected bereavement in the immediate circle and its taken some much needed focus, but im currently sending out updates as I sit and write this so please keep san eye out and if you've not heard anything over the next couple of days please do reach out on the Facebook page.
StarkMarkV, tobycj, NickoRay and 2 others liked this
By NickoRay
Hey David or Tobey, have sent a few follow up messages via the FB page now regarding an order update.
By NickoRay
Posting again at the chance that David or Tobey are reading — still waiting on an order update from the order book review last November.
Ebobhazard84 liked this
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Ed’s 84 Pack Build

Great progress! Enjoying your build! Sean

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