Discuss Ghostbusters: Afterlife, released on November 19, 2021 and directed by Jason Reitman.
There was a way they could have tied the Ghostbusters video game in with Ghostbusters after life there's lots of reason it makes much more sense after the video game the Egon would will be worried about goza's return.

Let's begin with the Mandela beneath the New York public library the New York museum of History and the Sedgwick hotel not to mention isomized that at the end of Ghostbusters video game Egon would be fascinated about how shandora all these resources to build beneath Manhattan and where it came from what the help of Alyssa shandor they would go through the remaining estate and come across minds of reside out in Oklahoma

Egon would go to investigate and find shandor a second site for goza is coming plus the dates of goza return on top of that Plus on top of all that in the game Ray comes with the idea that goes up was stuck in his previous destructive form once he entered the universe one destructive form buddy address per dimension but if when Ivan shandor admittedly destroyed goza for his failure and took his own destructive form what if doing so freed goza from the previous Avatar State and was stuck in and at the end when the Ghostbusters cross the streams one more time the blow themselves out of the portal they destroyed Ivan shandos destructive form because he was not really as powerful as those are the ghost area so the worst particle streams his Avatar body trapping his spirit and his body of his preserved self still like him all right so I'm still working out of logistics on how that works really good to just kept that part out sorry for this long rant everyone thanks for listening and think about it :sigh:
Last edited by Kingpin on August 24th, 2022, 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.Reason: Added paragraph breaks
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Lenny T mosca wrote: August 24th, 2022, 5:44 am There was a way they could have tied the Ghostbusters video game in with Ghostbusters after life there's lots of reason it makes much more sense after the video game the Egon would will be worried about goza's return.

Let's begin with the Mandela beneath the New York public library the New York museum of History and the Sedgwick hotel not to mention isomized that at the end of Ghostbusters video game Egon would be fascinated about how shandora all these resources to build beneath Manhattan and where it came from what the help of Alyssa shandor they would go through the remaining estate and come across minds of reside out in Oklahoma

Egon would go to investigate and find shandor a second site for goza is coming plus the dates of goza return on top of that Plus on top of all that in the game Ray comes with the idea that goes up was stuck in his previous destructive form once he entered the universe one destructive form buddy address per dimension but if when Ivan shandor admittedly destroyed goza for his failure and took his own destructive form what if doing so freed goza from the previous Avatar State and was stuck in and at the end when the Ghostbusters cross the streams one more time the blow themselves out of the portal they destroyed Ivan shandos destructive form because he was not really as powerful as those are the ghost area so the worst particle streams his Avatar body trapping his spirit and his body of his preserved self still like him all right so I'm still working out of logistics on how that works really good to just kept that part out sorry for this long rant everyone thanks for listening and think about it :sigh:
That's not really a "How did I miss that?!?", though... It's not something that you noticed about part of the franchise years after the fact.

And despite the efforts to combine the two, the video game and Afterlife just contradict each other too much.
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When Phoebe shoots Muncher for the first time I am 95% sure they used an edit of Murray shouting whoa whoa whoa nice shootin' Tex from GB1 as the sound effect.

This is probably one of the hardest to find GB1 Easter Eggs in Afterlife.
edspengler wrote:Why does the trap spark with only one terminal connected? It shouldn’t be able to with only one clip as that would be an incomplete circuit :sigh:

It should spark with the second connection and not the first?
Yes, the first one, the black clamp, shouldn't spark because that's the ground. It can still spark when there is improper grounding (he did attach it to the metal handle) or a short circuit (they were going from a bus as a power source to a ghost trap but this was before Podcast hit the ignition I think so not the case, has to be bad grounding).

Gary agreeing with Phoebe saying science is reckless in the scene has a whole other layer to it now. :P
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