Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
Giangieto wrote: January 7th, 2025, 12:39 pm I wrote to Hasbro about the trap's volume being too low, they replied that I have to put in serious batteries. Besides Duracel, what other batteries can I put in? :walterpeck:
I've used Energizer for these GB items. Will cost a bit more but in my experience they don't drain as fast as Duracel. Overall, Energizer lasts longer.
Giangieto wrote: January 7th, 2025, 12:39 pm I wrote to Hasbro about the trap's volume being too low, they replied that I have to put in serious batteries. Besides Duracel, what other batteries can I put in? :walterpeck:
Energizer Ultimate Lithium are about as good as they get :love:

... but in fairness, wouldn't expect them to make a massive difference :whatever:
gamera1968, Giangieto, mrmichaelt and 1 others liked this
For those with a loose or creaky handle, I found that if you tighten the two screws on the vertical support of the handle (behind the two plugs, so using a thin Philips head) it makes the handle stronger.

Actually going around the trap and tightening all allen screws you can see (two different allen keys) and all screws behind the black plugs really makes the items more solid with no creaking or flexing when you handle them.
zeta otaku, alphabeta001, Nighty80 and 4 others liked this
One time wrote: January 7th, 2025, 9:00 pm For those with a loose or creaky handle, I found that if you tighten the two screws on the vertical support of the handle (behind the two plugs, so using a thin Philips head) it makes the handle stronger.

Actually going around the trap and tightening all allen screws you can see (two different allen keys) and all screws behind the black plugs really makes the items more solid with no creaking or flexing when you handle them.
I also did the same thing the first day I unboxed it! No creaking on my trap, either.
One time, kahuna900 liked this
timeware wrote: January 8th, 2025, 2:46 pm sounds like Hasbro needs to adress quality control before doing another crowd funding. Havent had any issues with mine yet but for other backers it sounds like product inspection's been a hit or miss.
I mean it wasn't like the screws were completely loose or anything (apart from that one cable screw lol). It's just they were not perfectly tight. I had the same issue with the Snow Wolf M41A pulse rifle. The items are manufactured great and look super cool, but they just become perfectly solid once all the screws are equally tight.

There's variation among the Haslab units in terms of assembly thats for sure.
kahuna900, gamera1968 liked this
DreweMars wrote:I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that Slimer sometimes sings the Ghostbusters theme during the trapping sequence. :cool:
Speaking of which... Has anyone heard anything on the grapevine about replacement Controller boards, al-la GPStar's pack & wand boards?
Hoping for a few new features:
- Bar graph direction (I've done the wiring mod but figure most folk would prefer not to have to)
- Option for 28-seg bar graph upgrade
- Option to completely disable the ghost noises/
- Improved trapping sequence; I prefer the extended (Ghost) mode, but don't care for the ghost noises at all. Option to choose between flashing and pulsed white LEDs during capture. The white LED flicker effect after the doors close troubles me, as it's on/off/on/off at the same tempo as the beeps/red LED - it should be random, like static, preferably accompanied by a crackle sound
- Keep-alive
- Option to enable/disable the hidden button so it can't accidentally trigger when in the holster, which I understand can mess up the doors
- Not sure if practical, but perhaps a built in transmitter to trigger a smoke machine? Avoids having a separate remote/fob, or having to mod the trap pedal. This would probably be more reliable than the toggle switch mod in the pedal, as I suspect if you don't stomp all the way down to actuate the switch properly it could get out of sync with the trap. Also the timing of smoke isn't tied to the pedal; it could run again briefly during the white LED flicker/crackle effect and perhaps periodically after that, or via a press on the hidden button

Anyone think of anything else?
SP Productions wrote:
Nighty80 wrote: January 11th, 2025, 4:11 am Has anyone heard anything on the grapevine about replacement Controller boards, al-la GPStar's pack & wand boards?
GPStar's team has said they're looking at it, but last I saw, they hadn't received their PKE and traps yet.

That was before the holiday though.

I'm waiting for their mod, hoping that it will arrive soon and that it won't be so hard to install. I just can enjoy the trap fully with that bargraph animation wrong and with the led always on. I don't want to open it to invert the wirings so I'm waiting for an actual mod with other features too
Nighty80 wrote: January 11th, 2025, 4:11 am Haha,
Speaking of which... Has anyone heard anything on the grapevine about replacement Controller boards, al-la GPStar's pack & wand boards?
Hoping for a few new features:
- Bar graph direction (I've done the wiring mod but figure most folk would prefer not to have to)
- Option for 28-seg bar graph upgrade
- Option to completely disable the ghost noises/
- Improved trapping sequence; I prefer the extended (Ghost) mode, but don't care for the ghost noises at all. Option to choose between flashing and pulsed white LEDs during capture. The white LED flicker effect after the doors close troubles me, as it's on/off/on/off at the same tempo as the beeps/red LED - it should be random, like static, preferably accompanied by a crackle sound
- Keep-alive
- Option to enable/disable the hidden button so it can't accidentally trigger when in the holster, which I understand can mess up the doors
- Not sure if practical, but perhaps a built in transmitter to trigger a smoke machine? Avoids having a separate remote/fob, or having to mod the trap pedal. This would probably be more reliable than the toggle switch mod in the pedal, as I suspect if you don't stomp all the way down to actuate the switch properly it could get out of sync with the trap. Also the timing of smoke isn't tied to the pedal; it could run again briefly during the white LED flicker/crackle effect and perhaps periodically after that, or via a press on the hidden button

Anyone think of anything else?
Hi there, code monkey for GPStar here!

We received our traps very quickly (I got mine right before Christmas), and work has already begun on new electronics. The tricky bit that will take a little while is finding a good mount location and deciding on which microcontroller we're going to use based on the numbers of inputs and outputs we ancitipate needing. Fortunately most of the connectors in the trap are standard, and also fortunately the vast majority are actual connectors rather than being solder joints. Thanks, Hasbro!!

We already have a little leg up on the code because Michael, the lead dev and founder, already did a DIY Ghost Trap with custom code a few years ago. You can see his work here on GBFans: viewtopic.php?t=49370

As for the features you've listed, let me see if I can help out any.

Q: Bargraph direction?
A: Already implemented; we're well aware that a ton of people have repinned the ribbon cable connector and we have no intention of making people un-repin said connector. It'll just be a programming toggle, just like it already is for the bargraph on the Neutrona Wand.

Q: Optional bargraph upgrade?
A: Not finalized yet. We do want to support another bargraph but the issue is space at the moment. For example we'd love to support the tri-color bargraph that he used on the Mega Deluxe but we'll have to see how things fit in the available space on the Haslab.

Q: Option to completely disable ghost noises?
A: Yep, there will be a real "No Ghosts" mode. I know this because it bothers me too. :sigh:

Q: Improved trapping sequence?
A: The trap sequence will match the films. All GPStar equipment intends to replicate the on-screen behaviors as closely as we can get it. So for GB1 it's a single pedal press to open the trap, then a second to do the close sequence. For GB2 you hold down the pedal to open the trap then let go to close it. I also intend to put in the same "easter eggs" that the Hasbro trap has, for example the Grooberson "pedal jiggle" from Afterlife and releasing a trapped ghost from the trap.

Q: Keep-alive?
A: All GPStar equipment is inherently a keep-alive (we don't have the same regulatory restrictions Hasbro does, so we do not implement sleep timers).

Q: Enable/Disable hidden button?
A: The hidden button will likely become a menu select button instead--that is, it will do nothing unless you hold it down while the trap is off and then input some other sequence while holding it. This prevents accidental triggers. I agree, the switch is way too easy to accidentally trigger on the stock trap and that's the second thing I wanted to fix after getting it (the first being the inaccurate trap sequence).

Q: Smoke machine compatibility?
A: As with the GPStar Proton Pack board, we already intend to be able to trigger a smoke machine directly from our electronics. There will be no need for any remote transmitter as this behavior will be controlled by the mainboard itself as part of the normal trap sequence. Since there have been complaints online about sequencing the smoke (you have the practical folks who use smoke to enhance the open trap lighting effects and the screen-accuracy folks who only want it to start smoking after the ghost has been fully trapped as seen in GB1 and GB2) we intend to allow users to set when the smoke will trigger in the sequence as well.

Hope that helps. Trust me we're all pretty excited, but perhaps even more than ever space is at a premium in the trap cartridge so it may take a while before we have anything ready for the public to mess with.
zeta otaku, Dioxide, Turtuv and 6 others liked this
Nomake Wan wrote: January 16th, 2025, 5:41 pm
Nighty80 wrote: January 11th, 2025, 4:11 am Haha,
Speaking of which... Has anyone heard anything on the grapevine about replacement Controller boards, al-la GPStar's pack & wand boards?
Hoping for a few new features:
- Bar graph direction (I've done the wiring mod but figure most folk would prefer not to have to)
- Option for 28-seg bar graph upgrade
- Option to completely disable the ghost noises/
- Improved trapping sequence; I prefer the extended (Ghost) mode, but don't care for the ghost noises at all. Option to choose between flashing and pulsed white LEDs during capture. The white LED flicker effect after the doors close troubles me, as it's on/off/on/off at the same tempo as the beeps/red LED - it should be random, like static, preferably accompanied by a crackle sound
- Keep-alive
- Option to enable/disable the hidden button so it can't accidentally trigger when in the holster, which I understand can mess up the doors
- Not sure if practical, but perhaps a built in transmitter to trigger a smoke machine? Avoids having a separate remote/fob, or having to mod the trap pedal. This would probably be more reliable than the toggle switch mod in the pedal, as I suspect if you don't stomp all the way down to actuate the switch properly it could get out of sync with the trap. Also the timing of smoke isn't tied to the pedal; it could run again briefly during the white LED flicker/crackle effect and perhaps periodically after that, or via a press on the hidden button

Anyone think of anything else?
Hi there, code monkey for GPStar here!

We received our traps very quickly (I got mine right before Christmas), and work has already begun on new electronics. The tricky bit that will take a little while is finding a good mount location and deciding on which microcontroller we're going to use based on the numbers of inputs and outputs we ancitipate needing. Fortunately most of the connectors in the trap are standard, and also fortunately the vast majority are actual connectors rather than being solder joints. Thanks, Hasbro!!

We already have a little leg up on the code because Michael, the lead dev and founder, already did a DIY Ghost Trap with custom code a few years ago. You can see his work here on GBFans: viewtopic.php?t=49370

As for the features you've listed, let me see if I can help out any.

Q: Bargraph direction?
A: Already implemented; we're well aware that a ton of people have repinned the ribbon cable connector and we have no intention of making people un-repin said connector. It'll just be a programming toggle, just like it already is for the bargraph on the Neutrona Wand.

Q: Optional bargraph upgrade?
A: Not finalized yet. We do want to support another bargraph but the issue is space at the moment. For example we'd love to support the tri-color bargraph that he used on the Mega Deluxe but we'll have to see how things fit in the available space on the Haslab.

Q: Option to completely disable ghost noises?
A: Yep, there will be a real "No Ghosts" mode. I know this because it bothers me too. :sigh:

Q: Improved trapping sequence?
A: The trap sequence will match the films. All GPStar equipment intends to replicate the on-screen behaviors as closely as we can get it. So for GB1 it's a single pedal press to open the trap, then a second to do the close sequence. For GB2 you hold down the pedal to open the trap then let go to close it. I also intend to put in the same "easter eggs" that the Hasbro trap has, for example the Grooberson "pedal jiggle" from Afterlife and releasing a trapped ghost from the trap.

Q: Keep-alive?
A: All GPStar equipment is inherently a keep-alive (we don't have the same regulatory restrictions Hasbro does, so we do not implement sleep timers).

Q: Enable/Disable hidden button?
A: The hidden button will likely become a menu select button instead--that is, it will do nothing unless you hold it down while the trap is off and then input some other sequence while holding it. This prevents accidental triggers. I agree, the switch is way too easy to accidentally trigger on the stock trap and that's the second thing I wanted to fix after getting it (the first being the inaccurate trap sequence).

Q: Smoke machine compatibility?
A: As with the GPStar Proton Pack board, we already intend to be able to trigger a smoke machine directly from our electronics. There will be no need for any remote transmitter as this behavior will be controlled by the mainboard itself as part of the normal trap sequence. Since there have been complaints online about sequencing the smoke (you have the practical folks who use smoke to enhance the open trap lighting effects and the screen-accuracy folks who only want it to start smoking after the ghost has been fully trapped as seen in GB1 and GB2) we intend to allow users to set when the smoke will trigger in the sequence as well.

Hope that helps. Trust me we're all pretty excited, but perhaps even more than ever space is at a premium in the trap cartridge so it may take a while before we have anything ready for the public to mess with.
this is awesome! i just have a noobie question: how hard will it be to install the mod? i never did any kind of mod on my props, they are all stock, but i want to mod this trap because i'm very disappointed with the electronic (trapping sequence etc). thanks again!
Turtuv wrote: January 16th, 2025, 11:22 pmthis is awesome! i just have a noobie question: how hard will it be to install the mod? i never did any kind of mod on my props, they are all stock, but i want to mod this trap because i'm very disappointed with the electronic (trapping sequence etc). thanks again!
Generally speaking, taking the trap apart is very simple. It's actually a ton easier than taking the wand apart because you don't have to drill out the screw covers (Hasbro was very nice to us and made new screw covers with holes in them that look kinda like rivets that are way easier to non-destructively remove). So for the most part, getting to the "electronics bays" of the trap cartridge, trap carrier, and pedal are very straightforward.

Installing the actual electronics shouldn't be too difficult but it depends on how well we can get it designed. For the most part, as mentioned before, Hasbro used standard off-the-shelf connectors like GX16s and JST-ZH. The one exception is the cartridge-to-carrier connector, which appears to have been a one-off specifically for this purpose (despite the type of connector being fairly standard). This may mean we have to create our own connector board to replace the Hasbro if we need more inputs/outputs between the two halves of the trap. We aren't sure yet.

So I guess my answer is, "It should be a lot easier than the wand and easier than the pack, but there may be one or two tricky bits". We're hoping to not require any soldering this time around. We'll see!
Last edited by Nomake Wan on January 18th, 2025, 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is awesome!!!

But please keep in mind that a large chunk of customers will not have done the cable reversion on the 10 cables and will be looking for a plug and play solution to get the bargraph to go the right way.

I've also heard that the yellow led only illuminates to indicate a captured ghost, so after the trap closes and the bargraph goes left to right, then the yellow led illuminates. Should you release the ghost, it should extinguish I believe.

As long as you guys program it to be exactly like the Slimer trapping at the hotel it should be perfect.

PS: If you could also include the Matty functionality where after a capture it would show electric discharge and randomly shake (rumble in this case) it would be very cool.

And the PKE has room for improvement too. I see three steps:

1. The main issue is the lower LEDS don't illuminate with each button press like the original and the Matty. And Hasbro's own advertising lol.

2. The original I believe had it so that it would default to wings down when switched on. The lower right (EDIT: left!) button would max the wings/lights speed/sound to maximum as soon as this button was pressed and then lower everything to minimum as soon as the button was let go. You can see this clearly in the Egon-Louis scene ("dropping off or picking up").

The lower left (EDIT: Right) button would do the same but everything to half.

The top two buttons on the PKE we never see pressed in any movie as far as I remember.

3. Afterlife added more functionality. The slider in the centre position (no yellow or green led, just the center red led) would have a function where the pke would activate itself from a dormant state (Afterlife Phoebe first chess scene when Egons spirit enters her room). The graph would go from lower left to upper right. There was some more functionality with the slider in the center in Afterlife too, I don't remember off the top of my head. On the whole the movies show the PKE graph to be much faster on max level than the Hasbro props do.

Then Frozen Empire added functionality where if the PKE was picking up absolutely nothing, the wings would lie flush and only the lowest light on the wings would flicker on and off and nothing else. (Harold's watch scene with the old lady and Ray).
Last edited by One time on January 21st, 2025, 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Turtuv liked this
Nomake Wan wrote: January 17th, 2025, 7:05 pm
Turtuv wrote: January 16th, 2025, 11:22 pmthis is awesome! i just have a noobie question: how hard will it be to install the mod? i never did any kind of mod on my props, they are all stock, but i want to mod this trap because i'm very disappointed with the electronic (trapping sequence etc). thanks again!
Generally speaking, taking the trap apart is very simple. It's actually a ton easier than taking the wand apart because you don't have to drill out the screw covers (Hasbro was very nice to us and made new screw covers with holes in them that look kinda like rivets that are way easier to non-destructively remove). So for the most part, getting to the "electronics bays" of the trap cartridge, trap carrier, and pedal are very straightforward.

Installing the actual electronics shouldn't be too difficult but it depends on how well we can get it designed. For the most part, as mentioned before, Hasbro used standard off-the-shelf connectors like GX16s and JST-ZH. The one exception is the cartridge-to-carrier connector, which appears to have been a one-off specifically for this purpose (despite the type of connector being fairly standard). This may mean we have to create our own connector board to replace the Hasbro if we need more inputs/outputs between the two halves of the trap. We aren't sure yet.

So I guess my answer is, "It should be a lot easier than the wand and easier than the trap, but there may be one or two tricky bits". We're hoping to not require any soldering this time around. We'll see!
thank you for the reply, i cross my fingers hoping that it will be straight forward! i just have one trap and i'm a beginner, so i can't afford to made any damage! i'll wait for the news about the release of the mod!
One time wrote: January 18th, 2025, 5:54 am This is awesome!!!

But please keep in mind that a large chunk of customers will not have done the cable reversion on the 10 cables and will be looking for a plug and play solution to get the bargraph to go the right way.
very true, a lot of people haven't touched the trap yet because are waiting for a mod (me included)
gamera1968 liked this
One time wrote: January 18th, 2025, 5:54 amBut please keep in mind that a large chunk of customers will not have done the cable reversion on the 10 cables and will be looking for a plug and play solution to get the bargraph to go the right way.
Considering I myself am included in the "have not done the cable revision" camp, trust me when I say we are well aware. I'm not sure if you are familiar with GPStar's existing Proton Pack and Neutrona Wand hardware, but we have a replacement bargraph for the Neutrona Wand and one of our menu options inverts its animation in case you mounted it the other direction (for example, in a non-Hasbro wand body). The animation will match the films, and there will be an option to invert it for those people who have done the ribbon cable repin mod already. By default it will simply correct the animation for an unmodified LED bargraph.

One time wrote: January 18th, 2025, 5:54 am I've also heard that the yellow led only illuminates to indicate a captured ghost, so after the trap closes and the bargraph goes left to right, then the yellow led illuminates. Should you release the ghost, it should extinguish I believe.
No need to "hear" it; it's actually visible in the Sedgewick ballroom scene in the original Ghostbusters. The bargraph goes from empty to full with a four-note tone, then the yellow light illuminates, then a few seconds later the red light blinks along with the indicator beep. Another note is that for some reason Hasbro decided to have the bargraph tones increase in pitch while in Ghostbusters it decreases in pitch. Many people pointed this out to them when they showed off the first electronics demo in June 2024, but as we now know from the build date printed on the mainboards (April 3 2024) it was far too late in production to do any fixes. The electronics we saw in June were finalized as far as the trap was concerned.

I will note that GB2 did not have any bargraph tones (the bargraph was not visible in its one action scene), and Afterlife did not feature any "standard" trap capture sequences (the RTV trap has unique sounds), nor did Frozen Empire (again, the RTV and drone traps had unique sounds, but Trevor never gets his standard trap off so we don't get to see a "normal" trap sequence). So as far as basic trap functionality goes we'll likely only have GB1/GB2/TVG, though there will be ghost effects and bonus sequences from later films.

One time wrote: January 18th, 2025, 5:54 am PS: If you could also include the Matty functionality where after a capture it would show electric discharge and randomly shake (rumble in this case) it would be very cool.
The electrical discharge is actually accurate to the trap's on-screen performance in GB1 so we'll absolutely try to include it, but I've always hated all the sound effects people have used for it over the years. No one has gotten it right, not fans, not games, not Matty and not Hasbro. Honestly the closest sound I've heard to the discharge in GB1 is the sound of the lightning cable arcing and burning up at the end of the first Back to the Future.

As for the trap shaking, that will depend on someone making a mod that allows the wheel axles to move. Without that mod, there's nothing we can do. However, since there are already several axle and bottom plate mods either on the market or in development, we'll be sure to leave an output ready juuuuust in case. :garrett:

One time wrote: January 18th, 2025, 5:54 am And the PKE has room for improvement too. I see three steps:
1. The main issue is the lower LEDS don't illuminate with each button press like the original and the Matty. And Hasbro's own advertising lol.
2. The original I believe had it so that it would default to wings down when switched on. The lower right button would max the wings/lights speed/sound to maximum as soon as this button was pressed and then lower everything to minimum as soon as the button was let go. You can see this clearly in the Egon-Louis scene ("dropping off or picking up"). The lower left button would do the same but everything to half. The top two buttons on the PKE we never see pressed in any movie as far as I remember.
3. Afterlife added more functionality. The slider in the centre position (no yellow or green led, just the center red led) would have a function where the pke would activate itself from a dormant state (Afterlife Phoebe first chess scene when Egons spirit enters her room). The graph would go from lower left to upper right. There was some more functionality with the slider in the center in Afterlife too, I don't remember off the top of my head. On the whole the movies show the PKE graph to be much faster on max level than the Hasbro props do.
4. Then Frozen Empire added functionality where if the PKE was picking up absolutely nothing, the wings would lie flush and only the lowest light on the wings would flicker on and off and nothing else. (Harold's watch scene with the old lady and Ray).
We currently have no plans to modify the PKE Meter. The trap has 100% of our focus. While I agree that the Hasbro PKE needs a little help to truly be accurate, honestly I find it close enough that I personally am happy with it. Not to mention that it has the least interior space out of any Hasbro Ghostbusters device to date, so fitting replacement electronics will be a true challenge. If there is actually enough demand then I'm sure it'll be looked into, but I can say that right now GPStar has no plans for the PKE Meter.
Thanks for your answer. I respect you guys more than all the others with these things. I'm beyond happy you are tackling this.

Yeah the trap is where to start, I agree.

All I can say is that the shaking I mentioned (Matty) is of course impossible with Hasbro. I know.

But one of the biggest disappointments with Hasbro is that they didn't even use the rumble motor.

They use the rumble motor when you switch it on (doesn't really make sense). When you press the pedal and it opens (ok makes sense). And that's it. Never again after capture.

The only time it works is in spooky mode which is a weird choice as that is more of an easter egg mode. Not normal operation.

The best functionality (to me) would be to emulate the Matty (but with the rumble motor in this case).

So it wouldn't rumble when turning on. It would rumble when opening/closing. Then it would not rumble when full, until a certain time has passed. Show a light (maybe an electric discharge sound) followed by a short rumble, like something is trying to get out. Like in spooky mode. Does that make sense?

Like exactly like the Matty apart from the "shake" becomes a "rumble"in this case, because of the motor limitation.

In fact, awesome would be to have random effects. Like when idle sometimes the Haslab can rumble with an electric discharge sound. Sometimes it wil rumble in complete silence. Sometimes 0.5 second rumble, sometimes 1 second, sometimes 2 seconds. Completely random. The randomness is what would make it so cool. As if there is really something in there. This is what was awesome about the Matty. The Matty had sound effects that were on a 150 activations rotation. There were sound you would hear once every 150 activations. People could own it for 10 years and not hear everything. Until it did something that was completely new and you thought you were going crazy.

Come on Hasbro, how hard would it have been man. You build a rumble motor in the thing and then not even program to use it.
Nomake Wan liked this
Yeah, I'm honestly not sure why they even bothered to include the rumble motor, except of course that the wand and pack had one. But just seemed like a silly addon. It's centered in the trap so it's not like it can really torque it agressively in any particular direction.

Good ideas on how to make use of it when changing the electronics though; I like the idea of having a low rumble be tied to the electrical arc effects, and I agree that random ghost sounds after capture is better than just doing the same thing at the same time every time like on the stock trap.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Hopefully we can make something the whole community can stand behind.
Nighty80, Turtuv liked this
One thought I had on the vibrating motor. It needs a bit more weight to it, thus increasing that intensity.

The other thing, the motor is standing up, what if you rotated it 90 degrees, so that the shaft of the motor was in line with the length of the trap.

This would then but the force of the weight spinning along the width of the trap, and in theory make a kind of rocking motion, like something banging on its side.
One time, Turtuv liked this
A few more suggestions:

The trap should have a very low volume continuous electric hum when it is on. Like the Matty. It sitting in complete silence feels wrong.

Maybe when you turn it off at the exact moment a ghost sound is heard should result in the rumble motor going beserk?

Just some ideas
Turtuv liked this
Nomake Wan wrote: January 18th, 2025, 6:52 pm Yeah, I'm honestly not sure why they even bothered to include the rumble motor, except of course that the wand and pack had one. But just seemed like a silly addon. It's centered in the trap so it's not like it can really torque it agressively in any particular direction.

Good ideas on how to make use of it when changing the electronics though; I like the idea of having a low rumble be tied to the electrical arc effects, and I agree that random ghost sounds after capture is better than just doing the same thing at the same time every time like on the stock trap.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Hopefully we can make something the whole community can stand behind.
Just a thought...

Has there been any consideration to adding a "no-trap" feature? Like maybe a time-out on the trap's opening duration, or maybe a double-press on the pedal to close it as if the ghost got away?
Ryusui wrote: January 21st, 2025, 8:44 pm
Nomake Wan wrote: January 18th, 2025, 6:52 pm Yeah, I'm honestly not sure why they even bothered to include the rumble motor, except of course that the wand and pack had one. But just seemed like a silly addon. It's centered in the trap so it's not like it can really torque it agressively in any particular direction.

Good ideas on how to make use of it when changing the electronics though; I like the idea of having a low rumble be tied to the electrical arc effects, and I agree that random ghost sounds after capture is better than just doing the same thing at the same time every time like on the stock trap.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Hopefully we can make something the whole community can stand behind.
Just a thought...

Has there been any consideration to adding a "no-trap" feature? Like maybe a time-out on the trap's opening duration, or maybe a double-press on the pedal to close it as if the ghost got away?
There is an other functionality that can be used. Like the Matty trap entering debug mode:

Turn the trap on while the pedal is pressed. The turn on sound is heard twice on the Matty.

Weirdly, if you do this on the Haslab the turn on sound is heard twice too, but I don't know what it does.
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