Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
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By timeware
Comic Con would be a good opportunity to reveal the new Ghostbusters Haslab and announce the shipping date for Two in the Box. And... maybe a James Earl Jones tribute figure to honor him. Not a Vader figure, an actual James Earl Jones figure.
(Not crossing the fingers or streams, but it would be nice.)
By yourbigpalal83
I was a bit iffy on seeing the Official Hasbro video as they mostly showed CGI 3D Renders but having seen actual video of it, i am totally sold on both.

I plan on getting both the standard and deluxe that way i can display both. It just sucks i got to wait a ENTIRE YEAR for them to arrive, but all good things come to those who wait right?
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By timeware
zeta otaku wrote: October 19th, 2024, 4:46 pm Love it. Backed it. My wallet crying has become the white noise I listen to when I sleep at night.

I REALLY can't wait for a 2 in the Box update though...
Louis received his two in the box order. Where's ours DAMMIT?
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By zeta otaku
timeware wrote: October 19th, 2024, 7:25 pm
zeta otaku wrote: October 19th, 2024, 4:46 pm Love it. Backed it. My wallet crying has become the white noise I listen to when I sleep at night.

I REALLY can't wait for a 2 in the Box update though...
Louis received his two in the box order. Where's ours DAMMIT?
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By Rookie99
So I apologize if this has come up before or isn't the place, but if the Haslab does well (I mean, gangbusters well), could that mean the Plasma Series might get more retail figures? Because I'd really like there for there to be more. I know Ghostbusters isn't a brand that could support a Legends or Black Series or Classified, but Frozen Empire has plenty of characters in need of action figures, and the cartoons could use some more affordable figures as well. I'm part of the problem, I still haven't picked up much of the line, but that's mainly because it's mostly stuff that's been done (I mostly have Afterlife). It's time for stuff beyond the expected (or at least Janine).
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By mrmichaelt
Psycho Werekitsune wrote: October 19th, 2024, 4:16 pm So umm...not sure if you guys are aware, but: ... /G17865S00

(I know it's been posted up on the main site, but I saw this place was dead quiet and thought it was a bit odd, hahaha.)
The procedure is the main thread for the active HasLab is the thread in the news section. When the campaign ends, the main thread will move to this Collectibles section.
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By zeta otaku
Rookie99 wrote: October 19th, 2024, 10:08 pm So I apologize if this has come up before or isn't the place, but if the Haslab does well (I mean, gangbusters well), could that mean the Plasma Series might get more retail figures? Because I'd really like there for there to be more. I know Ghostbusters isn't a brand that could support a Legends or Black Series or Classified, but Frozen Empire has plenty of characters in need of action figures, and the cartoons could use some more affordable figures as well. I'm part of the problem, I still haven't picked up much of the line, but that's mainly because it's mostly stuff that's been done (I mostly have Afterlife). It's time for stuff beyond the expected (or at least Janine).
It's unlikely we'll get those exact figures or another Ecto, but I can see them putting out the OGs in GB2 uniforms... That said, I think it's FAR more likely that if they continue the Plasma line, they'll pick up with Frozen Empire updates for the new crew or even characters for the new show.
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By Psycho Werekitsune
mrmichaelt wrote: October 19th, 2024, 10:27 pm
Psycho Werekitsune wrote: October 19th, 2024, 4:16 pm So umm...not sure if you guys are aware, but: ... /G17865S00

(I know it's been posted up on the main site, but I saw this place was dead quiet and thought it was a bit odd, hahaha.)
The procedure is the main thread for the active HasLab is the thread in the news section. When the campaign ends, the main thread will move to this Collectibles section.
Ooooh, I see!
Rookie99 wrote: October 19th, 2024, 10:08 pm So I apologize if this has come up before or isn't the place, but if the Haslab does well (I mean, gangbusters well), could that mean the Plasma Series might get more retail figures? Because I'd really like there for there to be more. I know Ghostbusters isn't a brand that could support a Legends or Black Series or Classified, but Frozen Empire has plenty of characters in need of action figures, and the cartoons could use some more affordable figures as well. I'm part of the problem, I still haven't picked up much of the line, but that's mainly because it's mostly stuff that's been done (I mostly have Afterlife). It's time for stuff beyond the expected (or at least Janine).
I have a theory; we're getting a new Plasma wave that's going to prrrooobably consist mainly of ghosts. I speculate this because 1) the campaign itself mentioned how fans have always asked for more ghosts (in reference to the two that are part of said campaign), which makes me believe there's something in the pipeline, and 2) they've frontloaded us with an entire team of 'busters making me feeling like there's gotta be something to compliment that as well as the fact that there'd be very little to add to a line in the way of human characters. Someone on Facebook was wondering why they included two ghosts in the campaign instead of Janine to round out the team, and I felt like they would throw Janine into this potential new wave to break it up a bit from just being all ghosts.

But that's just my theory. For all I know, they could just abandon the line and this Haslab will be their last hurrah. Or they could do another long stretch of nothing before they come back to it. I do feel like the Haslab is there to gauge interest in the line because they already know their props are super successful. They probably want to see if they still need to continue investing in a 1/12 line of figures or just pour all their resources into props going forward (oh, and I guess those 3.5 inch figures as well).
Kingpin liked this
By Oxnard Montalvo
Hi all... unfortunately the Haslab is waaay out of my price range. I've made my peace with it (reluctantly) but would like to do the best I can with my '84 edition plasma series one before the O ring figures arrive.
Does anyone know of any light and sound conversion kits out there? I have some basic soldering an modelling knowledge so should be able to fit it myself.

Many thanks in advance for any advice...
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By zeta otaku
I know they make a light and sound kit for the larger LEGO Ecto-1. With some creativity and some work, I think someone could work that into the 84 Ecto.
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By mrmichaelt
Toy Anxiety's stream with Emily and Pat. The non-HasLab bits they answered:

The Future
-Emily can't comment on the future of Ghostbusters figures, Hasbro policy. Pat notes if this funds, that's only good news and nothing is cancelled with good news.
-Janine figure? Emily-Like we said earlier, you never know what the future may hold, stay tuned.
-Slime Blower HasLab Emily-No. We tossed it out, crazy expensive, crazy heavy.

-Pat shows the O-ring packaging, talks about deciding the 1/18 '84 Ecto-1 needs figures so the O-rings were born.

-1 yr of work to show something during campaign, then after it funds, the regular toy development starts (a fully cycle), prototyping, packaging. After a campaign closing to ship, usually 14 months . They see final models usually 4-6 months before shipping.
-Product like the HasLab items will never be packed with slime or batteries to prevent any negative customer experiences like a battery acid leak
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By slaysghosts
Oxnard Montalvo wrote: October 23rd, 2024, 3:42 pm Hi all... unfortunately the Haslab is waaay out of my price range. I've made my peace with it (reluctantly) but would like to do the best I can with my '84 edition plasma series one before the O ring figures arrive.
Does anyone know of any light and sound conversion kits out there? I have some basic soldering an modelling knowledge so should be able to fit it myself.

Many thanks in advance for any advice... ... 0005848112
Select lights and siren, you’re set
ccv66 liked this
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By slaysghosts
Need about 131 backers per day to make the goal in time as of 11.09.24. Thankfully thanksgiving break is in there, hopefully it gets a surge for the holidays…
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By mrmichaelt
Psycho Werekitsune wrote: December 1st, 2024, 5:42 pm Some potentially interesting future developments! ... om-hasbro/

As someone who never got around to grabbing them the first time around, this is great news for me!
Wonder if they would use the original sculpts or use the new ones of Egon, Peter and Ray done for the HasLab Ectomobile (and keep Winston's original sculpt for the stache).
Psycho Werekitsune liked this
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By robbritton
Had the o-ring figures arrive yesterday. They’re a fun bunch, but there’s no way they properly fit in the Ecto! At least not without some very dicey bending.
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