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By Havoc0213
Not sure what is so difficult about a simple update from time to time. Fantastic if he is still dedicated to getting those tanks made, but don't go months without a single word. I've messaged him a few times on Facebook over the last couple of months and once through Paypal and still no word back. I'm to the point now where I'd prefer a refund. Maybe I'll come back once/if he has his stuff together.
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By Havoc0213
Just got an e-mail from him this evening, wanting to confirm my address. Sounds like he is shipping my main tank soon.
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By Havoc0213
Update: 3-22-18

My main tank from heavy props arrived today. Things seem to be progressing forward now.
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By grantofkings
I had heard from him about a week and a half ago that he expected them to start shipping last week. I haven't heard anything further about my order, but I've been moving, so, that's actually been fine.

Havoc: Any pics of the tank?
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By Havoc0213
grantofkings wrote:I had heard from him about a week and a half ago that he expected them to start shipping last week. I haven't heard anything further about my order, but I've been moving, so, that's actually been fine.

Havoc: Any pics of the tank?
I took one of the tank peeking out of the box to send to a friend, otherwise it's been sitting in the box it arrived in. There are some pitted areas around the base of the domes on each end, but nothing body filler and time can't fix. He did drill a hole about midway down the tank (assuming for mounting to the ALICE frame) I can try and get some pics up this weekend.
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By Spectregater
I see the last post on here was over a year ago. But I ordered a GB1 Trap Holster on the 23rd or April and have yet to hear a word as to an update on my order and here it is 7 day s later. Tried contacting through Facebook and Email and nothing.
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By Nuclearjungle
Did you order on Ebay, and did you ever get what you ordered? I bought a leg hose connector and trap holster from him on Ebay last week, and Ebay estimates I should be receiving them already, but I've received no word about either, let alone a shipping confirmation.
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By signeddiamond
I had a similar issue. I ordered from him and waited. After a few days without an update from eBay I messaged him to ask if the items had been shipped. 10 days and a few more messages ignored later I made a dispute. He then quickly got back to me. He promised to ship it off that day but almost a mont later I still have nothing. Whatever great seller he might have been seems like a thing of the past when it comes to my experience.
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By signeddiamond
Update. I have received my order after a few extra weeks. Normally this would be a dealbreaker and I would have given a negative review on the product and seller. However, the quality of the parts I received is far beyond what I expected. Each mold is completely bubble free and clean. I honestly can not believe how crisp and beautiful these parts are. I would not recommend Crix if you are on a timecrunch as it seems he has other things going down and might not be the first guy to the post office but knowing what I know now I would buy from him again.
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By obiwanjabroni
Has anyone heard from Kristopher in the past few months? I've been trying to connect about a potential order, but have not had any luck here, on FB or email.
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By grantofkings
I haven’t seen anything from him in at least a year. I was hoping he’d continue to work through slime blower pieces, but I know he needed time away from everything. I’ve tried to reach outa few times just to check on him, but never heard back.

Hope Kris is doing well, if anyone more in the loop is in contact with him
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By abaddon5
I bought the gigameter electronic kit and I’m having trouble getting certain things to work. I email Crix, and....nothing. I wasn’t asking for free stuff or anything, but I feel like I’m out a bit of money.
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By Kingpin
abaddon5 wrote: March 16th, 2021, 5:22 pm I bought the gigameter electronic kit and I’m having trouble getting certain things to work. I email Crix, and....nothing. I wasn’t asking for free stuff or anything, but I feel like I’m out a bit of money.
in Crix's current absence, would you be willing to detail the issues you're having? The forum members might be able to make some suggestions that can help you?
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By abaddon5
Kingpin wrote: March 16th, 2021, 7:02 pm
abaddon5 wrote: March 16th, 2021, 5:22 pm I bought the gigameter electronic kit and I’m having trouble getting certain things to work. I email Crix, and....nothing. I wasn’t asking for free stuff or anything, but I feel like I’m out a bit of money.
in Crix's current absence, would you be willing to detail the issues you're having? The forum members might be able to make some suggestions that can help you?
...I hadn’t thought of that. I had posted something about it on the Facebook page to no avail, but I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks!
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By CaptainAssholay
I bought a v-hook from Heavyprops a few weeks ago and have not heard anything back. I'm wishing I had checked this thread first. Anyone know if Kris is still fulfilling orders or should I be looking at a chargeback through paypal?
By CT1983
CaptainAssholay wrote:I bought a v-hook from Heavyprops a few weeks ago and have not heard anything back. I'm wishing I had checked this thread first. Anyone know if Kris is still fulfilling orders or should I be looking at a chargeback through paypal?
I’ve made 2 purchases in the last month. Both arrived right on time. Hoping same for you.
CaptainAssholay liked this
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By CaptainAssholay
My v-hook came in yesterday and it's perfect. I'll echo what others have said that communication may not be much but the quality of the work speaks for itself.
By Ghosts-in-the-216
I ordered a Heavy Props aluminum thrower a few weeks ago and it arrived in about a week. It is totally amazing! The quality is great and emails were replied in a timely manner. Totally happy with this purchase!
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By CaptainAssholay
Guess I'll necro this thread again! I ordered a set of aluminum pack parts from Kris back in June, sent me an invoice and I paid it off same day. I haven't heard back from him since. I sent a few e-mails checking in, I understand it's a one man operation and I figured 6 months is a fair timeframe, given that people on Facebook seem to get their orders from him in about 2'ish months. When I got my v-hook in 2021 from him I think it just showed up at the door with no tracking. I think I'm really just trying to confirm this wasn't misdelivered

I know he's a supplier for gbfans so I was more wondering if anyone has heard from him lately?
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