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Two more cameo appearances to add to the filmography:
1973's The Blue Knight (which later spawned a two-season TV series starring George Kennedy in 1975).

The Winston Street entrance of Fire Station №23 appears at the 14:53, 16:34, 16:51, 23:56, 45:23, 45:34, 2:59:04 and 3:06:00 marks, dressed up as "The Pink Dragon", a dive bar. This entry resolves the question of what the faint graffiti art design that can still be seen on the back of Fire Station №23 looked like originally. While the exterior is featured prominently, the interior does not make any appearance.

I'll also look into the TV series adaptation, as it also filmed on the streets of Los Angeles, and might've caught some glimpses of Fire Station №23.

And 1984's T. J. Hooker episode, "A Kind of Rage":

(Visible at 3:01 and 4:38)
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