This is for other Ghostbusters Props that don't fit into the categories above.
By troberts289
Thank you; Sadly the latest "update" on the pack is that I took a break to build another bass guitar. If all goes well it should have strings on it by the end of this upcoming weekend.

After that I'll probably go back to the pack. I want to wear it for this year's Halloween parties. I have some copper tubing I'm going to add if I can bend them to my satisfaction. I've also been doodling ideas for the trap, which will be the next big thing I do.

My wife has put together a pair of slacks, a leather apron, and hat that should give the correct "working Joe" look for the period. She still needs to work on the shirt and patches.

We also talked about an outfit and some support equipment for her, but that's way down the road.

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By mburkit
That's a beautiful Bass. I have played guitar since I was 12 so I have an appreciation for your work there.

I look forward to you finishing this up for Halloween. Please post photos then. Prior to finding your post, I was collecting reference material of "found" objects I could use in my own build. Your wood work on this pack has definitely inspired me. I found it funny because what you did with your thrower with the perforated cylinder with LEDs inside of it; I was planning on doing that with my powercell, prior to ever seeing your thread here.

Everything is fantastic and I cannot wait to see it all finished.
By troberts289
For me those kinds of decisions are all down to the luck of the draw.

That punched tin on the thrower came from a wall mounted candle decoration I found at a yard sale. The booster tube and bottom of the cyclotron used to be a tea set until I came across them at a local thrift store. All the leather is used horse saddle parts. ( I may have said it before, but the prices on used horse stuff is extremely reasonable as long as you don't mind the smell of horse.)

After building a screen pack and saying "no, a resistor that's kind of close is NOT ok" It's nice to just wander through junk piles and say, "sure, why not this?"
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