By Meek1
Came across some surplus alice frames and picked this one. Is the frame useable with this amount of warp? I managed to straighten out the middle vertical support bar a bit it was way worse. Is the horizontal bar supposed to dip inwards on an LC-2 or does it need to be dead straight across the back? Wil be mounting the Spirit full size.

This is my first time working on any costume and im going in 100%. My pack just came in the mail today and im getting the frame prepped. This community has been amazing so far as a lurker I was able to find everything Ive needed so far. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!

By Moonraker
Depending how you plan on attaching the pack to the new motherboard, I think you'll be fine. When I added an ALICE frame to my sons 80% Spirit pack, I made a new motherboard that secured to thebpack. Then I used metal strapping that went over the horizontal crossbar of the ALICE frame. That would take that bend right out.

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