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I wanted a PKE Meter that actually worked and did cool stuff. Looks like this one's gonna fit the bill. Being a little bit bulkier than an old shoe polisher from the 80s just isn't a problem for me.

I mean, nobody has any illusions that the Plasma Series wands are scaled correctly, right? Yet look how many folks (myself included) use them as a base to work from.

I get that some people would rather have a perfect prop replica, but that isn't the target demographic of a toy company.
mrmichaelt, timeware liked this
I was at the firehouse on 6/8 and held the PKE and my first reaction was that it felt big, but that's compared to the Spirit PKE and Hasbro's Afterlife PKE in the roleplay line.

I was always in it for the trap, so the PKE feels like a bonus.
mrmichaelt, DaveLister liked this
How was the size compared to the Matty PKE prop? What's funny, is that I just now had to replace the original batteries for their PKE meter. I would imagine the electronics inside will add a bit of weight to it. Looking at the matty meter I do hope that the sound is optional with the Hasbro version.
timeware wrote: June 12th, 2024, 10:41 am Didn't occur to me how annoying the beeping would be for extended period of use, so it would be nice if they keep that feature.
Admittedly the Matty PKE beeps were significantly more annoying than the screen accurate sounds would be (there's plenty of demo videos on YouTube if you've never heard how bad it was), but it would definitely be good to have a silent mode on the HasLab too.
prodestrian wrote: June 12th, 2024, 12:07 pm
timeware wrote: June 12th, 2024, 10:41 am Didn't occur to me how annoying the beeping would be for extended period of use, so it would be nice if they keep that feature.
Admittedly the Matty PKE beeps were significantly more annoying than the screen accurate sounds would be (there's plenty of demo videos on YouTube if you've never heard how bad it was), but it would definitely be good to have a silent mode on the HasLab too.
They made it abundantly clear that it has 3 modes from the slide switch, being mute, low ionization and high ionization. (Like one time's stuff) Dunno if that means if it'll have a sound off mode, but I hope so. Low/High will DEFINITELY be the arc screen vs the straight line though. Guarantee it.
timeware wrote: June 12th, 2024, 2:39 pm My concern would be the confliction with the EMF mode. Kind of defeats the purpose of hunting ghosts if they can hear you coming a mile a way. Walk into Waverly Hills with that thing beeping they already know your there. Lol.
There's a simple solution to that problem: use a regular EMF detector instead of the P.K.E. replica.
prodestrian, timeware liked this
Regarding the discussion on the size and bulkiness of the Haslab pke compared to the 84 Iona body - the Afterlife/FE pke is bulkier AND different than the pke featured in 84 and 89. Having built a highly detailed 84/89, I am looking forward to having the Afterlife/FE body pke replica just for the different look. The differences can be seen in the photo below, pictures borrowed from the Reference Library.
DaveLister liked this
I can't wait to get these.
Still have questions about the EMF mode. The wings move automatically when you turn it on but is there going to be an auto feature for the wings with this mode? The auto sequence for prop mode is freaking awesome.

I Absolutely love that the lights pick up speed as it comes closer and further from the EMF source its scanning. Looks like that annoying beeping from Matty won't be an issue.
DaveLister liked this
gerard55 wrote: June 10th, 2024, 2:12 pm
prodestrian wrote: June 10th, 2024, 7:52 am Another video from Saturday courtesy of Experience Explorers:

Seeing some complaints about the meter looking bulkier and the wings looking thicker, but they've managed to basically put 2 props into one. The taser meter in afterlife was a separate prop from the regular pke meter and the taser versions wings only popped into taser mode, and that was it (according to the tested YouTube video that is).
TBH, this is kind of why I passed on this, as well as the cost being prohibitive at the time. I've wanted a Matty PKE for years, and I was hoping that this would satisfy that craving. Unfortunately, based on the prototype, I wasn't really happy with the overall shape compared to the prop, especially on the part of the arms. Honestly, when it comes to the PKE Taser, I like it as a unique one-off of the tool, but not as a replacement. The Trap on the other hand looked great, and (hindsight being 20/20) I probably should've purchased this set, and traded or sold the PKE. That is unless by some miracle the final product ends up being absolutely flawless.

Depending on how it all turns out with the final release, I might purchase the Trap secondhand, perhaps some of the extras like the ID card and patches, which are honestly really cool.
LeoCor Replicas wrote: June 13th, 2024, 9:05 pmTBH, this is kind of why I passed on this, as well as the cost being prohibitive at the time. I've wanted a Matty PKE for years, and I was hoping that this would satisfy that craving. Unfortunately, based on the prototype, I wasn't really happy with the overall shape compared to the prop, especially on the part of the arms. Honestly, when it comes to the PKE Taser, I like it as a unique one-off of the tool, but not as a replacement. The Trap on the other hand looked great, and (hindsight being 20/20) I probably should've purchased this set, and traded or sold the PKE. That is unless by some miracle the final product ends up being absolutely flawless.
I'm feeling the same way. I backed two sets of these, but I'm not planning to keep either (and I never really planned to, I'll be making them available at cost price to anyone in my franchise who missed out, not seeking to profit off them). Hasbro is a toy company, and these are toys. Great toys with a lot of clever engineering that I would have killed to own as a child, but they don't scratch the itch for owning a real trap or a real PKE (I don't have the Haslab pack either, and I sold all my Matty stuff several years ago). Also everything Haslab puts out (with the exception of the 84 wand) is from Afterlife, but I prefer the classic gear.

Matty PKE was cool but I hated the sound effects, and by the time I had the engineering know-how to be able to replace them with the correct ones they were worth so much money that I wouldn't ever have risked opening it up. My HalloweenCostumes PKE has been rebuilt to have correct sound effects and LED sequences, this is keeping me going until I can continue my Iona conversion. I may borrow some features from the Haslab if I see it do anything I like, but that's just code. EMF is silly. I'd rather just add an accelerometer/compass or something so it can rise/fall as you move it around (without touching buttons). Or even better, BTLE beacons so I can have "haunted artifacts" hidden throughout our booth at conventions for the PKE to react to (yes in theory you could just hide electromagnets inside everything but it looks like the Haslab has had the EMF detection strength dialled all the way back so as to avoid interference from other EMF sources like wall sockets and lights, so you'd need to get right up close to the object for this to work, which isn't anywhere near as cool IMO).

I was toying with the idea of keeping a PKE holster (if it fits my Iona) but other than that there's nothing in the bundle which really appeals to me. I already made a set of Zener cards with the accurate patterns, made from genuine Bicycle playing cards.

I wasn't ever the target customer for the Haslab pack, and this latest update just confirms it's the same for the trap/PKE. But (like with the pack) I'm thrilled for everyone who's getting what they wanted, and it'll be great to see something other than Spirit Halloween toys hanging from people's belts!
LeoCor Replicas liked this
I only got the Hasbro Pack because it was most of the work done already on a full-size Pack for the same cost as a kit, and I already had a wand and ALICE frame from a Spirit 80% Pack conversion I did. Granted, since getting the Haslab Pack, I've done a CRAPLOAD of mods to it, most recent being adding lights inside the cyclotron core. All of my props are nowhere near properly screen-accurate, but I've done a lot to try and make them look decent.

Dioxide, prodestrian liked this
Summary of the video:

-It is still in active development. Deco, paint application, and sound effects are still in development.

-Three batteries are concealed in the handle of P.K.E. Meter while the Trap runs on four AA batteries accessed by the underside of the removable cartridge.

-It is advised to not stomp the Trap pedal.

-Sound effects are from Ghost Corps and Sony from the movies and anything else was vetted and approved by them.

-Final packaging is not ready yet but a prototype version was shown, it will have easter eggs, and it is still set to ship in late fall 2024.

-Trap's spirit selector is demonstrated, has 6 set sounds and 1 setting for random, and different sounds based on which ion rods are attached.

-Trap's bar graph and the LED light near it have been changed to match the movie version.

-P.K.E. Meter has three different animations (two for P.K.E. Meter and one for taser mode) each with five different speeds based on volume and wing position.

-Both turn off after five minutes of inactivity. Pressing any button will awaken them from sleep.

-Wings on the P.K.E. Meter made with durability in mind for repeatedly changing between modes.

-Long button process and scripted sequences of the P.K.E. Meter were shown.

-EMF detector works and team is currently working on expanding the range. Switch to EMF mode on the bottom of handle.
Turtuv, prodestrian, deadderek and 1 others liked this
So, here's a thing we can chat about... who is doing what with the extra space inside the trap cartridge? Personally, I'm not one to put smoke in any of my props (when you've had a proton pack catch actual fire on your back, you sorta don't want smoke coming out of any of your gear anymore...). I'm thinking I may put an extended battery pack in there and/or a brighter LED system along with any fan-made board that kills the 5 minute power timer.
prodestrian liked this
mrmichaelt wrote: June 13th, 2024, 11:26 pm Summary of the video:

-It is still in active development. Deco, paint application, and sound effects are still in development.

-Three batteries are concealed in the handle of P.K.E. Meter while the Trap runs on four AA batteries accessed by the underside of the removable cartridge.

-It is advised to not stomp the Trap pedal.

-Sound effects are from Ghost Corps and Sony from the movies and anything else was vetted and approved by them.

-Final packaging is not ready yet but a prototype version was shown, it will have easter eggs, and it is still set to ship in late fall 2024.

-Trap's spirit selector is demonstrated, has 6 set sounds and 1 setting for random, and different sounds based on which ion rods are attached.

-Trap's bar graph and the LED light near it have been changed to match the movie version.

-P.K.E. Meter has three different animations (two for P.K.E. Meter and one for taser mode) each with five different speeds based on volume and wing position.

-Both turn off after five minutes of inactivity. Pressing any button will awaken them from sleep.

-Wings on the P.K.E. Meter made with durability in mind for repeatedly changing between modes.

-Long button process and scripted sequences of the P.K.E. Meter were shown.

-EMF detector works and team is currently working on expanding the range. Switch to EMF mode on the bottom of handle.
I still have to watch the video but it seems amazing. They put a lot of effort into it to pack it with features and to be as accurate as possible.
But what do you mean with "-It is advised to not stomp the Trap pedal. "? How do you have to activate it?
Nomake Wan wrote: June 13th, 2024, 4:07 pm The long-awaited and somewhat delayed backer update video is now live! ... ker-update
I'm so happy I backed this. The more often I watch the video the more excited I get. They look absolutely awesome, the PKE demonstration is amazing. Also happy they didn't show off all the easter eggs.
DaveLister liked this
Turtuv wrote: June 14th, 2024, 3:53 am But what do you mean with "-It is advised to not stomp the Trap pedal. "? How do you have to activate it?
That after all is said and done, Emily emphasized it is still a toy and not the real deal so don't roughly stomp the pedal. Zack tapped it gently with his hand in the video.

But I think the message is be gentle with the pedal. Sorta like when Gary presses the pedal in Afterlife. But don't stomp it like when Ray does it in GB1 when Slimer is trapped.
prodestrian, Turtuv, deadderek and 1 others liked this
Hi all, I'm usually more of a lurker than a participator but it's been great following the discussions around the Haslab stuff over the last (nearly) couple of years in anticipation of their releases. I had a couple of thoughts to share since the latest update, so here goes:

For me the Haslab pack was kind of a dream come true as I had the original Matty wand and patiently waited years for Mattel to release the pack to go with it, which obviously never happened, and, sadly (because I'm a lowly peasant!) I just cannot warrant the expense of actual prop replicas. I missed the Matty trap by a matter of months (even at the time it was already selling on scalpBay for £500), but it was always something I desperately wanted so again when the second Haslab was announced I was in, no question.

I'm still incredibly excited for this release, however since this latest video I wonder if anyone else is slightly disappointed that the trap sequence only seems to light the trap with white light? I had hoped for some kind of coloured animation as per the Matty trap. Maybe even some unique lighting depending on the "ghost selector knob" - like some kind of green for Slimer, blue for the Scoleri brothers, pink for the library ghost, etc. Nothing too crazy, maybe just a subtle flash at the end of the sequence to indicate the ghost being sucked into the trap, or something along those lines?

I suppose it's not 100% confirmed this isn't the case from what Haslab has shown us. And I believe the Matty trap had two modes? I.e. a "prop" mode where the trap sequence is just white light and no SFX, and a "play" mode with animated coloured lights and sound? Maybe the Haslab has this too and they didn't show the other mode, or it isn't finalised yet? Although I'm now wondering whether "Working Multicolored LEDs" in the description means they used RGB LEDs capable of changing shades, or just that they used several different colour LEDs and the internal ones are plain white?

I realise the coloured lighting might not be canon, but then you end up in that whole debate around what exactly is canon anyway, given all the variations of the GB tech over the various media.

Anyway, not a deal breaker by any means but I was hoping for a much improved version of the Matty trap, multicoloured animated lights and all!
Honestly for the price, I'm really glad I backed this. While I'm a huge GB1 fan, I don't mind the bulkier PKE as long as the functionality is there (which it looks like it is). I've mentioned it before but the fact that I can have a working PKE with a holster right out of the box is enough for me.

With the trap, I already have complaints about the sounds and sequencing, but I had a feeling that might be the case. Fortunately that's nothing a little electronics tinkering can't fix, and some crazy accurate sequences are already available for the Charlesworth that should be adaptable to this trap. That is of course assuming they don't fix those issues before release. Either way, not particularly concerned.

My biggest concern after seeing the videos is the build quality of the trap pedal. Fortunately since they're using a standard cable connector this time, absolute worst case you could build a replacement. Best case, maybe just swap the pedal heatsink with a metal version?

All in all, still excited. Can't wait to get my hands on these!
DaveLister liked this
Nomake Wan wrote: June 14th, 2024, 7:41 amMy biggest concern after seeing the videos is the build quality of the trap pedal. Fortunately since they're using a standard cable connector this time, absolute worst case you could build a replacement. Best case, maybe just swap the pedal heatsink with a metal version?
I still wouldn't risk that, even if the pedal base isn't as mushy as the Matty trap pedal was (that was bad). Fortunately you could fairly easily build a Countspatula pedal to go with this for events and keep the included pedal safe on display or at home. Mine is fully 3D printed except for the metal vector plate and the relay, and you can totally stomp on it (with your full body weight) without damaging it.

3-pin connector should be wired up the same as the Matty trap (GND, Switch, LED) so that's going to be trivially simple as far as electronics. So the hardest part is modifying the Hammond box to fit the new 3-pin connector instead of the traditional 1/4" pneumatic Quick Connect fitting (which should hopefully be as easy as drilling a bigger hole).
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