This is for other Ghostbusters Props that don't fit into the categories above.

Now available for pre-order at

Original post below:

Some of you may have seen our Instagram/FB post or news posted at about our Tobin's project... if not, here's the scoop:

We're planning on doing a full replica with leather bond & gold foiled cover based on the one made for Afterlife:


We've already started a thread over at the RPF (four pages of discussion already): ... ps.353434/

For those who aren't members there and would like to help, feel free to send me a PM here or e-mail directly. I've already started doing the layout work... here's a teaser mock-up of the cover page:


I'll start keeping track of who is working on what articles and make a post on that to make sure no one doubles up on anything. Hopefully with everyone pitching in, we can keep the price down to the $250-$300 mark for the full 750 page book. Looking forward to working no this... book props are some of my favorites!

Kind regards,
Last edited by Indy Magnoli on June 6th, 2024, 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ccv66, mrmichaelt, Bootlegger137 and 2 others liked this
Indy Magnoli wrote: September 17th, 2023, 10:14 pm We're slowly filling this up... at 99 pages currently.
Like I told you on the RPF forum, you could use exerpts from the actual (real life spirit guide) 1904 books they used in Afterlife for the screen used Tobin's Spirit guide Podcast reads from: (they are out of the public domain due to age):


"They had no fire and sent two messengers, Kuratje and Kanmari, towards the east"

"Prometheus (a son of the Titan Japetos), who had previously identified himself with
the cause of humanity in a dispute that arose at Mekone
(Sikyon) as to the rightful share of the gods in all sacrifices
offered to them."

"Manual of mythology : Greek and Roman, Norse, and old German, Hindoo and Egyptian mythology"
by Murray, A. S. (Alexander Stuart), 1841-1904" ... r_djvu.txt


"They were beautiful maidens . George of Trebizond , a Greek philosopher of the fifteenth century , saw one in the open sea"

"the ways of nature, and to wrench from her the scerets of her innermost"

"Encyclopedia of superstitions, folklore, and the occult sciences of the world"
-Cora Linn Daniels 1903" ... ____v3.pdf

The books are >100 years old so are public domain now. 1070 pages total.

I doubt an in universe Tobin's Spirit guide would be anything less than 1000 pages
Last edited by One time on September 18th, 2023, 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
edspengler liked this
Although we will include text from those source books, we're not going to replicate that spread exactly as it makes no sense at all. The prop guy just through in the phrase "Terror Dog" randomly in sentences about Prometheus. We'll be using actual text about Gozer, Zuul, etc for that spread.

As for the size, we're basing it on the prop featured in Afterlife which, based on the sizing of the prop and width of the spine, we're estimating to be about 750 pages.
Indy Magnoli wrote: September 18th, 2023, 2:51 pm Although we will include text from those source books, we're not going to replicate that spread exactly as it makes no sense at all. The prop guy just through in the phrase "Terror Dog" randomly in sentences about Prometheus. We'll be using actual text about Gozer, Zuul, etc for that spread.

As for the size, we're basing it on the prop featured in Afterlife which, based on the sizing of the prop and width of the spine, we're estimating to be about 750 pages.
Ok, great idea. Have you thought about Edition 2 that may be needed after Firehouse? I have some insider knowledge that may help you make edition 1 and edition 2 compatible or less of a nightmare to reconcile after the new movie is released.

My aim is to get the most comprehensive Tobin's Spirit guide we've ever had, in universe, and make you as rich as possible in developing and selling it. Doesn't that sound nice?
Last edited by One time on September 21st, 2023, 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Got some new articles sent to us today from a few members, so thanks to all who are contributing! We've added some entries with Easter eggs from Hellraiser, Indiana Jones and Doctor Who. We're up to 160 pages so far! Keep 'em coming!!
Indy Magnoli wrote: September 18th, 2023, 3:56 pm This is always the problem with franchises that are churning out new material. But... we can do our best. If you've got some ideas, feel free to post, otherwise you can PM or e-mail me directly. Thanks!
I'm sure you guys have it covered
Yeah, we've been discussing the idea as a possible group project for the free paper props thread, so everyone can contribute so anyone can download the insert, print and add it to their own books.

We're working hard on this now with over 400 pages completed!
prodestrian, THawke liked this
Indy Magnoli wrote: September 10th, 2023, 5:09 pm Some of you may have seen our Instagram/FB post or news posted at about our Tobin's project... if not, here's the scoop:

We're planning on doing a full replica with leather bond & gold foiled cover based on the one made for Afterlife:


We've already started a thread over at the RPF (four pages of discussion already): ... ps.353434/

For those who aren't members there and would like to help, feel free to send me a PM here or e-mail directly. I've already started doing the layout work... here's a teaser mock-up of the cover page:


I'll start keeping track of who is working on what articles and make a post on that to make sure no one doubles up on anything. Hopefully with everyone pitching in, we can keep the price down to the $250-$300 mark for the full 750 page book. Looking forward to working no this... book props are some of my favorites!

For those who are curious about diverse generational perspectives and the impact of the millennial generation, check out this collection of insightful essays: Millennial Generation Essays. Engaging with different viewpoints can enrich our understanding and contribute to the vibrant discussions within the community. Collaborative projects like this not only showcase dedication to the Ghostbusters fandom but also demonstrate the power of collective creativity.

Kind regards,
That sounds like an exciting project! Creating a full replica of Tobin's Spirit Guide from Ghostbusters: Afterlife with leather bound and gold foiled cover is definitely a labor of love. The teaser mock-up of the cover page looks fantastic, and I'm sure the final product will be even more impressive.
Last edited by gentrificationzolaz on February 25th, 2024, 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, it's up to 460 pages so far! I'm going through applying edits now (we've got two professional editors who have gone through the entire text, finding all my mistakes!). It's definitely a labor of love... TONS of works, but very fun (although the current work is a bit tedious). I can't wait to see the completed tome myself.
Ecto-Roboto liked this
In case you guys haven't been following the progress of this project elsewhere, here's an update. The text has been finalized (at almost 500 pages long) and sent off to the printers for test printing. We should have a finished sample in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, here are some various teaser photos:


The last one has a little Easter egg in the text... for you classic rock fans. ;)
prodestrian, mrmichaelt, Ecto-Roboto and 5 others liked this
Indy Magnoli wrote: April 10th, 2024, 5:20 pm In case you guys haven't been following the progress of this project elsewhere, here's an update. The text has been finalized (at almost 500 pages long) and sent off to the printers for test printing. We should have a finished sample in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, here are some various teaser photos:

The last one has a little Easter egg in the text... for you classic rock fans. ;)
Is there an estimated price or too soon to put one out there?

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