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Ok so lets do this, what position on the dial is which entity? (I'll edit this post as new information is added).

Position from twelve o'clock 1 going clockwise:

Red bars (GB1, GBTVG, GB: Afterlife, GB: FE):

1. Twelve o'clock: Random
2. Terror dogs (?) (also Random?)
3. Mini Pufts (?)
4. Trap emptying sound (?)
5. Terror dogs (?)
6. Slimer rushing at Venkman in GB1 (?)
7. Bug eyed ghost from Afterlife (?)

Silver bars (GB2):

1. Random
2. Scoleri Bros. (?)
3. Slimer from RGB (?)
4. (?)
5. (?)
6. (?)
7. (?)

It's weird how some positions appear to sometimes give random sounds.

PS: The Haslab Ghost trap closing sound appears to be the same as the Running Press mini Ghost trap closing sound?
DaveLister liked this
This feature is a blast to try and ID what the sounds belong to. A silver GB2 ghost sound I've found is such:
1) GB silver bars in, trap on.
2) turn the dial clockwise til you hear Slimer's voice, leave it there.
3) Do a trap capture, then use the PKE to use IRF and the GB song, sung by Slimer, will cycle!

Always a bright, smile-inducing sound.

P.S. yep, the running press trap sounds are neat for a novelty, but not in this trap. It was at a event at the firehouse and when those sounds came on, I thought(it was a prototype, not a finished product): "Oh those are just to demo the trap. Final sound tbd." Not a gripe, just an observation.
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