Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
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By castewar

I love it when Canada Post wakes me up in the mornings - it can only mean... EBAY!

For years I've had a complete set of the Sunoco GB2 glasses, which were particular to here in Canada. There were promotional signage Sunoco's had for the cups (Sunoco is/was a gas station chain - you got the cup with a fill up), but those are long gone. Almost as rare, are the paper inserts that were in each glass - and I finally got one! Whooo!

if i had known how rare these were i had 12 of them floating around after i bought a shit ton of the glasses ida chucked them on ebay.
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By castewar
The glasses were often used by people, so the inserts were tossed, making them harder to find than the glasses themselves. I've only ever seen the one. Fiend has one - and by the sounds of it, you had the other 12 still left in the world. :p

Collectibles are always worth more when they have all the pieces they came with - packaging, inserts, instruction manuals, sticker sheets, etc.
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By castewar
That's how I always understood it - the insert is French on the other side. But Sunoco isn't a Canadian company, it's an American one, so it's very possible they were sold in the US too - I've just never heard of it. People with or selling the glasses always talk about having picked them up in the Eastern provinces of Canada in 1989.
I am new here. I was thrilled to find this site, I didn't know about this great GB fan site!

I have the Sunoco glasses too, and the insert!

I am happy to hear that they are loved by others as well. I will have to let them go sometime sooner than later though, as we are downsizing.

I look forward to looking around this ghostbusting site to see what I've been missing!
Thanks for the info. When I get a chance I'll check it out. But, yes, $100 is way too much!! I know that old coke glasses only sell for $5 (a few months back, anyway)....which I thought would be much more than that. Of course I prefer the GB glasses for sure (of course LOL) :wink: but not for that kind of $$.

I'm curious as to how much the insert is though.

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