For the various Ghostbusters Cartoon series. Real Ghostbusters, Extreme Ghostbusters and more!
By Crowbar
Just heard some of this song from the Halloween Special on the DVD set, nice tune. After looking online, I noticed J. Michael Stracyzensk (however you spell it) wrote the song. Is this a cover of a song by a real band, did he actually write it, is it available anywhere, ect? Thanks.
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By Zack
Given the subject of the song and it's kinda hokey generic sound, I'm inclined to say it was just written for the show. I'm not sure but I believe the only place to hear it is in the episode. :cool:

It for some reason makes me think of BTO's Takin' Care of Business. parts of it anyway
By Crowbar
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. Well if anyone who has the know-how ever deciedes to rip the songs from the DVD set, please include this one. Its corny but pretty catchy. Egon and Winston have some pipes, lol.

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