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Man oh man whatever happened to this thing? I remember listening to an interview the director did with some GB fan group where he talked about Dan Aykroyd surprisingly being the hardest interview to land(his agent wanted money or something to that affect). Anyways I always got a weird vibe from this project. I got the feeling from the interview that the director wasn't really that big of a fan. He was maybe doing it for the exposure or just as a hobby, arbitrarily picking Ghostbusters due to the lack of official documentaries made on the subject. The guy seemed nice enough, but I got a weird vibe from him. I guess now that the blu ray has been released he lost any chance/hope of Sony buying the film. I remember first reading about this back in '07/08. A trailer was released, so he's got to have gold mine of material(especially now that Harold Ramis has left us, you'd think an update would be forthcoming when he passed).

Then again maybe you fellas know more than I do with regards to a release date or if the guy cut his losses & abandoned the project all together..
By TheXFilter
I think the director it's an hardcore Ghostbusters fan. The level of the quantity of interviews achieved, and his personal involvement it's enourmous. Only a true fan can support all this work. I'm sure if he hasn't finished the doc, it's because he wants to do the best way.
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By Dr._P_Venkman
After so long I presume the director can only be one of those perfectionists who won't be releasing it until they feel it 1000% ready in their eyes. So much so that I would bet money on their personal involvement is spent in the editing suit agonising over every last detail-only to go back on everything the next day and practically set it back to zero!

Now I think about it, I'm getting a "Howard Hughes" shut in, obsessive vibe. Like all you hear from the end of a corridor in his house is a soundclip on repeat of the same line going over and over only broken by the occasional call to the one remaining intern to fetch some marshmallows. Exactly 8 of them on a single plate.

Or something like that :whatever:
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By GuyX
Wow. When did they film this thing? 8 years ago? And it's still not out. The director did an interview with a GB podcast a few years ago now saying it would be out "soon". It's 2016, two of the interview subjects have since passed away. What the heck has been the hold up? Kickstarter has been around for a long time now. They've got all the interviews already in the can. Yikes this thing is well overdue!
deadderek liked this
By BatDan
Documentaries usually take a lot of time. You figure you have 20+ people to interview, and each session is about 1-2 hours of footage. Then go through each of the 20 interviews and edit them all down, clipping together different versions of the same story through 20 different people. Took Documentary class last semester, It's tedious.

Glad to see they finally got everything in the can, though!
GuyX wrote:Wow. When did they film this thing? 8 years ago? And it's still not out. The director did an interview with a GB podcast a few years ago now saying it would be out "soon". It's 2016, two of the interview subjects have since passed away. What the heck has been the hold up? Kickstarter has been around for a long time now. They've got all the interviews already in the can. Yikes this thing is well overdue!
They said it was due to them keeping creative control.
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By GuyX
BatDan wrote:Documentaries usually take a lot of time. You figure you have 20+ people to interview, and each session is about 1-2 hours of footage. Then go through each of the 20 interviews and edit them all down, clipping together different versions of the same story through 20 different people. Took Documentary class last semester, It's tedious.

Glad to see they finally got everything in the can, though!
They don't take 8-9 years. This isn't some hard hitting, fact finding Oscar caliber documentary. It's about a movie! Look at that Death of Superman movie that was made about Tim Burtons aborted Superman film with Nic Cage. All movie making is hard and documentaries are no different. But they do not take this long.
By pferreira1983
Had no idea this was a UK documentary and produced by just two people. I suddenly have even more respect for them than before. Weird seeing Harold Ramis in a new interview never seen before. I hope this documentary gets released.
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By d_osborn
Hey party people! I didn't see this already posted, so apologies if it has been.

The Kickstarter for CLEANIN' UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters is up! Check out the sweet new trailer and donate now!

I'm helping out Anthony Bueno and the gang behind the scenes with some old content. Believe me, this thing is going to be an AWESOME account of the development and production of both classic GB films. Just when you think you've seen everything, something like this comes along. It's going to be a seriously cool documentary, produced by a seriously cool group of talented fans.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13 ... ostbusters

Last edited by Kingpin on February 5th, 2016, 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.Reason: Added youtube code
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By GuyX
Damn. I wasn't going to support this..but that trailer made my mouth water. One nitpick though: I don't ever need to hear Reitman tell that same story about first seeing the guys in costume. My god! Every interview he gives he mentions it. It's even in the forward he wrote for the GB Art book released last fall(great book btw).

That was a great trailer. Well put together. Hope Sony doesn't shut this thing down. Are they using footage and songs under Fair Use?
By pferreira1983
GuyX wrote:
That was a great trailer. Well put together. Hope Sony doesn't shut this thing down. Are they using footage and songs under Fair Use?
They mention in the above video that the need money to pay to use footage and clear use of songs.
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By GuyX
Ah. I hadn't watched that video. I was referring to the trailer on their kickstart page. Check it out. Quite awesome
By pferreira1983
GuyX wrote:Ah. I hadn't watched that video. I was referring to the trailer on their kickstart page. Check it out. Quite awesome
Yeah I've seen it. They still need to pay for the music and movie clip rights.
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By GuyX
You'd think it would fall under "fair use", no? Paying for footage in a documentary? Maybe getting permission but it should fall under "fair use" copyright law jurisdiction.
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By Troy
GuyX wrote:You'd think it would fall under "fair use", no? Paying for footage in a documentary? Maybe getting permission but it should fall under "fair use" copyright law jurisdiction.
Yes and no. First it's worth note that it's a UK production, fair use laws may be different over there. Second, fair use doesn't apply when you're working with the copyright owner to obtain more material. Some of it may in fact end up being fair use, but there's a good chance they're having to pay for licensing through SPE/Columbia for some materials which can get pretty costly.
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By GuyX
I don't think for profit matters as much as you think. Nostalgia Critic makes money off his videos and uses fair use as his shield against copyright infringement claims(he made a video about this recently). The daily show uses news clips and movie clips citing fair use and they are for profit. I doubt this documentary will see a wide release rather it might end up like that recent Tim Burton Superman Lives What Happened documentary(which also used Fair Use and is making money). It's seems like a bit of a grey area depending on what the makers intend. I don't see a wide theatrical release happening here.
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By GuyX
Troy wrote:
GuyX wrote:You'd think it would fall under "fair use", no? Paying for footage in a documentary? Maybe getting permission but it should fall under "fair use" copyright law jurisdiction.
Yes and no. First it's worth note that it's a UK production, fair use laws may be different over there. Second, fair use doesn't apply when you're working with the copyright owner to obtain more material. Some of it may in fact end up being fair use, but there's a good chance they're having to pay for licensing through SPE/Columbia for some materials which can get pretty costly.
That's an interesting point. Though Ghostbusters would fall under American copyright jurisdiction, no? I don't think Columbia sold foreign distribution rights on GB so I don't think it matters what country the makers are from. I'm no copyright law expert though so don't quote me on that.
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By d_osborn
How many fans here have complained about a lack of decent supplemental DVD/BR material? How many fans here have dropped hundreds, if not thousands, on GB merch and props?

If you haven't done so already, get your rears to the Cleanin' Up the Town Kickstarter and donate! I've seen footage, I've seen material-- this thing is going to be incredible if the KS goes through. It's a darn near comprehensive look into the making of the films we love. This isn't going to be a regurgitation of Making Ghostbusters or Cinefex. This is the most intense, in-depth look at the production of GB and GB2 we've ever seen-- with killer production values to boot.

It's our job as fans to get this thing funded!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13 ... ostbusters
AJ Quick, Troy liked this
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By Troy
d_osborn wrote:How many fans here have complained about a lack of decent supplemental DVD/BR material? How many fans here have dropped hundreds, if not thousands, on GB merch and props?

If you haven't done so already, get your rears to the Cleanin' Up the Town Kickstarter and donate! I've seen footage, I've seen material-- this thing is going to be incredible if the KS goes through. It's a darn near comprehensive look into the making of the films we love. This isn't going to be a regurgitation of Making Ghostbusters or Cinefex. This is the most intense, in-depth look at the production of GB and GB2 we've ever seen-- with killer production values to boot.

It's our job as fans to get this thing funded!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13 ... ostbusters
To Derek's point, only a couple more days on this Kickstarter... we're so close on this one, I can feel it. Imagine a world where we get Ghostheads and a BTS doc like Cleanin' and a new movie? This was absolutely unheard of in the days that I dialed up and started talking to people on a 28.8 modem. Or was it 14.4? You know, it was probably slower than that now that I think about it. Where was I? Oh, yeah - guys, if you've ever wanted Cinefex/Making Ghostbusters/Plus a whole lot more all in one documentary, this is our shot. We've got to get them to that Kickstarter goal.
Troy wrote:
d_osborn wrote:How many fans here have complained about a lack of decent supplemental DVD/BR material? How many fans here have dropped hundreds, if not thousands, on GB merch and props?

If you haven't done so already, get your rears to the Cleanin' Up the Town Kickstarter and donate! I've seen footage, I've seen material-- this thing is going to be incredible if the KS goes through. It's a darn near comprehensive look into the making of the films we love. This isn't going to be a regurgitation of Making Ghostbusters or Cinefex. This is the most intense, in-depth look at the production of GB and GB2 we've ever seen-- with killer production values to boot.

It's our job as fans to get this thing funded!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13 ... ostbusters
To Derek's point, only a couple more days on this Kickstarter... we're so close on this one, I can feel it. Imagine a world where we get Ghostheads and a BTS doc like Cleanin' and a new movie? This was absolutely unheard of in the days that I dialed up and started talking to people on a 28.8 modem. Or was it 14.4? You know, it was probably slower than that now that I think about it. Where was I? Oh, yeah - guys, if you've ever wanted Cinefex/Making Ghostbusters/Plus a whole lot more all in one documentary, this is our shot. We've got to get them to that Kickstarter goal.
They need £12000 in the next 51 hours to reach their goal. I've upgraded my initial pledge and hope we can get this funded! Plegde for a friend, loved one etc and get them something as an unique gift.
Barkeff liked this
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By d_osborn
Two days to go! It looks like there are a few original, production-storyboards still up for grabs! These came straight out of John DeCuir's work archive! Super cool!

Also, I doodled on this for a bit--
Barkeff liked this
I think the problem is there's currently two Ghostbusters documentaries on kickstarter, both equally attractive to fans so money ends up splitting between them instead of just on one and no one finishes their kickstarter goal. I hope at least this one succeeds.
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