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By sliming slimer
I noticed the one in the gb1 forum was popular so i did one for gb2.

one thing i noticed is when they walk out of the courthouse you can see hardemyers lawyer in the bottom left corner.
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By catapy
Wasn't the guy who played Janosz on ''Perfect Strangers?''
cowbybill wrote:
catapy wrote:Wasn't the guy who played Janosz on ''Perfect Strangers?''
He was on Ally Mcbeal....
The actor's name is Peter MacNicol and you might also remember him from Addams Family Values and Bean: the Ultimate Disaster Movie.

See the following profile for more info:
By Cyland Props
During the montage you can see:

The Ecto is pulling out of H&L #8 and Peter's office is no where in sight, infact the rear wall is seen and looks too close and there are no stairs in sight.
Winston is sliding down the pole in a Khaki suit followed by Egon and Peter in dark grey suits.
I may be wrong, but did Ray call Egon, Egie a few times in the film? Because I just noticed that (it sounded like) he did and was cracking up, but I want to verify that I wasn't hearing things lol.
SoulKeeper8605 wrote:I may be wrong, but did Ray call Egon, Egie a few times in the film? Because I just noticed that (it sounded like) he did and was cracking up, but I want to verify that I wasn't hearing things lol.
I heard it like that as well: "Hey, Egie, she's twitchin'!"
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By SlimeGuy
Just after Venkman asks Ray and Winston to hose Janosz, the camera cuts to Ray saying "Hose him!" But in the quick wide shot as they slime him, Peter gives a little "Bye bye" wave.

I don't know why I love the look on his face at this moment but it is CLASSIC! Plus it reminds me of his little wave in the Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters intro sequence.
GBfan4life88 liked this
Some_Guy wrote:Of course there's the "Ecto-2" Plate flub, that surprisingly not many people have seen.

You can also see the plate on Ecto-1A change when they are out side the museum The Ecto-1a 's plate has the Statue Of Liberty to the left of Ecto-1A then when Ray gives his little speech about the burned out burg and they all look at the plate the close up has her between Ecto and !A.
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By d_osborn
Some_Guy wrote:Of course there's the "Ecto-2" Plate flub, that surprisingly not many people have seen.

that was one of the later reshoots on the movie. the scene was originally shot inside of venkman's apartment. venkman had a hilarious line about louis humping janine. there are a few promo shots from the original shoot.
d_osborn wrote:
Some_Guy wrote:Of course there's the "Ecto-2" Plate flub, that surprisingly not many people have seen.

that was one of the later reshoots on the movie. the scene was originally shot inside of venkman's apartment. venkman had a hilarious line about louis humping janine. there are a few promo shots from the original shoot.
I think those promo shots are on Ernie Hudson website
The cigar that Stantz took from the Mayor's office when the GB's tried to warn them about the "mood slime" did he save that cigar for the coming to life of The Statue of Liberty scene....i think he did IMO :cool:
By kevinj319
The 'busters kicked the habit "for the kids." They also cleaned up their language quite a bit.
By Mr. D.
When they slime the Statue of Liberty and she starts to step off the pedestal. It shows her right foot breaking free and stepping off. This is not accurate. The Statues RIGHT foot is not flat on the pedestal. It's heal is lifted up already in a stepping motion, because she is breaking the chain that is shackled to her foot.

Go to 1:00 in this video to see...

Actual Statue.
By Mr. D.
When Ray turns into Vigo at the end, he is wearing the slime blower. When they slime him he gets up all "happy", the pack is gone.

Where did it go?
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