Please post up details about your transactions. Please put the name of the seller or buyer in the topic title! Only CIVIL feedback and discussions will be allowed.
Forum rules: Please provide clear and accurate feedback for a seller. Search for forum to make sure there isn't already a topic about a seller, if there is post in that thread. When posting please be careful as you will not be able to edit your post later.
By GBFans
This topic was created to leave feedback for Crix / Heavy Props.

Please leave feedback for this person if you have completed a transaction with them recently. Remember to keep things factual and relavent to the discussion. Do not comment if you do not have a reason to (ex. you haven't had a transcation with them), and remember once a comment is submitted you will not be able to edit it. We also do not remove feedback unless it violates a rule, so do not be afraid to leave an honest opinion!
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By kind2311
I see a bunch of people posting in Kris' for sale thread that they got their lenses, yet no one has made a feedback thread for him yet so I thought I'd get the ball rolling.

Great seller, great shipping times, great communication.

btw I didnt actually buy anything from Kris, I just wanted to start a topic for him.
By raider57
Highly recommended seller!
Excellent looking lenses, good packaging and Fast shipping. Reasonable price to boot.
Thanks Kris!
By deekman
I definitely reccommend Crix. The lenses are great plus his communication and shipping are excellent. I ordered from him on Sunday, he shipped on Monday, and they're in my hands two days later. I couldn't be happier.
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By Vincenzo330
My lenses arrived super fast and they're awesome. After opening the packaging I smelled the aroma of rich Mahogany and many leather-bound books. Crix is a man's man and he knows how to cut a mean lens. I highly recommend him to any buyers.
kind2311 liked this
By KagaSakai
Ordered pack lenses from Kris. Very friendly and lenses were shipped quickly. They are beautiful!
By Darthdono74
Also recently ordered lenses from Kris,
Super great seller,
Fast shipment,
Most excellent communications!
Great product,
Great price!

By MrsRayStantz
Got my lenses today! Beautiful!!!! Fast shipping as well.
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By Parlett316
Got my lenses yesterday, now I will include generic phrase since Crix acted responsibly.
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By Parlett316
Parlett316 wrote:Got my lenses yesterday, now I will include generic phrase since Crix acted responsibly.

PHRASE = PRAISE! My spelling has become atrocious.
By 1.21 Gigawatts
Got some mighty fine looking lenses in the mail yesterday! Awesome communication from Crix and they arrived in perfect condition. THANKS!!!
By sonik78
Got my lenses last week in the mail, but forgot to leave feedback. Great seller, fast shipping.
By Sebastian Arms
I got a set of lenses from Crix several months ago and just installed them in my pack. They look great. Also delivery on the lenses was quick and painless.


By BlkMesaHero
PLaced an order with Crix on the 22nd of August and they just arrived today. Nice and thick and look good.
By Manuel1983

I received my Lenses today! Kris is a very nice Guy!!!! A Pleasure to deal with him!!!!

kind regards
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By TheRockman
Got a set of lenses a while back and forgot to post feedback. Quality was great and it arrived in a very timely manner.

All hail the Acrylic Prince!
By xtrmn8r17
Ordered from twice already and got some awesome lenses. Will order from again!
By Screwhead
Just got my lenses in, these things look amazing!
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By Jairus
Bought from Kris again and, as always, he had it to me in no time flat. Very recommended.

He even spelled my name correctly this time!
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By Kingpin
I recently bought a Guntahkella PKE shell and wings from Kris, the parts were well packed with generous levels of bubblewrap, and in excellent condition.
By stnthmn
Received my order today. Was shipped very fast. Will order from him again.
By odog
Everything arrived and was exactly as ordered.
By Prefect42
Another happy customer here.

Got my vinyl trap and pedal labels from Kris. Very nice. He's also really prompt with PM's. A credit to

By jimbo7
Got my stuff super quick and he replied quickly to my PM's!

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By Venzhe
Another happy buyer from Crix. What else is there to say if you already read this thread? Not much. Go buy his stuff.
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