By Upfrontplatypus
Hi, so I've just gotten my hands on the spirit ghost trap, the one without the foot pedal, and now I'm trying to figure out how I can add a functioning foot pedal to it. I've got a coax cable and connectors for it already because I was originally going to get a Walmart trap but that ended up falling through because of eBay nonsense, so I got a spirit trap for a low price. If anyone has any ideas or other topics to point me towards I'd appreciate it, I can tolerate not having a working foot pedal on this but man it'd be nice to have one.
By joezlo
I'm working on doing this wirelessly using an RF receiver (Based on Holtzman's wireless trap mod to the 84 gear in the IDW comics) & when it's pin goes high it goes to a relay that has a separate power to activate a solenoid. The would also allow the as-is trap audio to work without modification.

The issue is, the levers in the trap that control the gears are in the open position to hold the trap doors closed. So if I want to use the solenoid to open the trap doors by pulling the levers down, somehow I have to reverse the gears direction of turn & that's where I'm stuck right now with out completely overhauling the trap.
By beric
I am actively working on this.
The spirit trap comes with an RCA pedal. I took that apart and the mechanism is very simple. I haven't finished yet, and will add pics later, but i'll try to explain with words.
The mechanism is a push button with 2 wires going to the RCA jack. The push button mechanism can live just in front of the hinge. Each of the two wires can go thru the red into the banjo and yellow tubes into the legris, respectively, into the box. The can join and come out together thru the brass foster fitting.
Where I haven't explored yet is how to get that wire to go thru the foster quick connect. Besides being a locking mechanism, the quick connect diameter is too small for the wires.
I have also not explored the trap side of it.
But I will be working on this during this weekend. I am determined to make this work with the only compromise being the RCA jack connecting at the quick connect.
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By dartdemon340
Well, good point. However, the HasLab is a $300~ one time buy trap, unless you bought a half a dozen for spares. I personally wouldn't be using my HasLab trap for most of the stuff I go to. I keep a few Spirits with pedals on hand for beating on and abusing. Cheap, disposable and plentiful.
By beric
We are done with our build! I will upload photos in a few days.
What we did was use a Ben of Kent pedal kit from Etsy as a base. We then acquired screen accurate and authentic parts from this site and a few other sellers from Etsy, as well as the golf cart steering gear from Amazon for the pedal. I forget who on this site recommended this.
Our goal was to make a screen accurate and full functional pedal to work the Spirit trap. The spirit trap worked with a basic RCA pedal. We decided to not get into the electronics of the trap. So, we lost screen accuracy in keeping the RCA jack on the back of the trap. It is not the coupler.
So, we took apart the RCA pedal that came with the trap.
We ran the RCA from the quick-connect that goes into the trap, sacrificing screen accuracy at the end of the cable. The male RCA head comes out of the quick-connect. But the function works that it can be disengaged. On the pedal end, we have full screen accuracy with the quick-connect into the coupler, but it does not detach.
The wires then run thru the project box and into the Legris and yellow wire and into the golf cart part that works as the hose under the pedal. Basic electronic work, and when you compress the pedal, the wires engage, triggering the RCA, and thus activating the trap.
We went for a GB1/GB2 mix, as I don't like how the ribbon cable inserts into the D-sub connector hood in GB1. That makes no sense on a "realistic functional" basis (for a make believe device).
Outside of building our own trap or buying one pre-made, (Charlesworth Dynamics has a great set), this was the best we could do working with the Spirit trap. I've scoured this site, and don't see anyone who made one as functional and/or as screen accurate with as few compromises as we have.
What we're working on next is getting the red light on the pedal to activate. We're not fantastic at electronics, and it seems that RCA cables aren't meant to activate electronics.
However, we're looking into how a Marshall amplifier channel changer pedal works with it's red light.
The last piece I want to endeavor is upgrading the interior of the trap itself. Does anyone have any links to any kits? Smoke and noise would be cool, but we're not looking to get into electronics. The key would be esthetics first. Function would be great, but not needed.
Thanks for everyone who inspired and guided us!

I always try to imagine, despite the desire for screen accuracy, that the GB equipment was actually hand made, and no 2 would every be exactly the same.

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