- January 17th, 2021, 1:10 pm#4944417
Hey all, here's another 3d printed pedal build. I'm using a mixture of FDM and resin printed parts from my Ender 3 and Photon Mono. I originally printed the vector plate in resin but it cracked when I drilled a hole in it , so I reprinted in PLA . I used Siraya tech abs like resin which is pretty tough but it still cracked. Oh well. I am waiting on an 8 pin octal relay ($7) and an IDE ribbon cable ($5) both coming from Ebay next week to finish it up. I am using an old phone charging cable cut to length and painted red and yellow to simulate the tubing , and I know the paint and hardware aren't screen accurate, but it's been a fun project. I didn't bother with the bellows under the pedal because I plan on stuffing the existing walmart pedal under it to activate the trap.

Repainted Wal-Mart trap:

Repainted Wal-Mart trap: