Been working on a 3D model of the Gentec 525 Dummy Antenna in Blender, and there just isn't a lot of quality reference photographs to be had online. Seeing as buying a Gentec can run you $500 on eBay currently, I wanted to create a 3D printable model that the average Ghostbuster fan could use.

So, if anybody has a Gentec and would be willing to take some hires reference photographs (of the front and back in particular), it would greatly help my efforts in making an accurate model. Additionally, any measurements would be a great help. If you have any reference manuals, couldn't hurt.


Here's what I have so far, it's been difficult getting the shell right, and it still isn't 'perfect,' but I'd like to add the front and back details, and have it accurate, or even better, screen accurate.

I'm going to post this model to Thingiverse for free when I'm done, I already have a few Ecto-1 models available, including the Cadillac hubcap emblem


Kingpin, prodestrian liked this
Much appreciated! These are a huge help

I've noticed the Gentec was turned backwards when Sony restored the Ecto-1, so the triangle metal piece and cable hookup originally faced toward the passenger seat, while the speaker grill face was towards the windshield. The Eaglemoss model also has the speaker grill facing towards the passenger seat, but I'm going to opt for the original film version. I'm actually wondering if the speaker grill was added for the restoration, as one I found on eBay seemed to have a radiator of some kind attached to the back.



Thanks again, truly appreciate the pics
If you need any other additional pictures, I've got the correct one.

I'm building my 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor into a fully screen accurate car, inside and out. It's been quite the challenge trying to track down all the pieces and parts but I'm getting there.
Thanks for letting me know that reference was the wrong one, clears up a lot of confusion on my part! Although I did notice on the Gentec manual in the first picture you posted shows the radiator looking attachment at the bottom of the page, is it possibly an optional attachment?

I could use some more pictures if you don't mind.
What I really need is straight on shots of the front, back, top, bottom, side, enough to make a blueprint style reference. I don't want to ask too much, but any measurements would help make the model more true to life.

The toughest part is the speaker face, as it's very hard to find a clear image of the screw placement and the grill pattern. The other side is a little easier, but a head on shot and any measurements would take a lot of the guesswork out.

Again, don't want to impose, but I think it's a shame this information isn't available online, and I'd like to get it out there to complete this model, and help any other enthusiasts as well.

Thanks again!
TTeacher wrote: September 26th, 2023, 9:06 am Thanks for letting me know that reference was the wrong one, clears up a lot of confusion on my part! Although I did notice on the Gentec manual in the first picture you posted shows the radiator looking attachment at the bottom of the page, is it possibly an optional attachment?

I could use some more pictures if you don't mind.
What I really need is straight on shots of the front, back, top, bottom, side, enough to make a blueprint style reference. I don't want to ask too much, but any measurements would help make the model more true to life.

The toughest part is the speaker face, as it's very hard to find a clear image of the screw placement and the grill pattern. The other side is a little easier, but a head on shot and any measurements would take a lot of the guesswork out.

Again, don't want to impose, but I think it's a shame this information isn't available online, and I'd like to get it out there to complete this model, and help any other enthusiasts as well.

Thanks again!
Sure thing, I have no problem at all helping others out with their projects. Shoot me a PM of your email and I can get you the pictures you are wanting.

As for the dummy antenna with the radiator piece connected at the back, that is a Gentec 510, where the screen accurate one is a, Gentec 525. So two completely different models.

If you are interested you'll have to check out my Cadillac Ecto-1 build page over here:

https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/t ... on.344409/

You'll see that I have tracked down quite a few hard to find original pieces and parts.
Thanks to some incredible reference pictures from user Ecto-1 Builder, I've been able to start anew on this project. On the bright side, I can see details of the Gentec that weren't visible in any of the available photography, on the downside I'm going to have to redo the shell to get the outline right.

While the pattern around the perimeter isn't uniform by any means, I'm relatively certain that there are 22 sections, and I used that to create a uniform pattern. I've also rotated the shell by 10 degrees so the highest point is at the top. I came up with this outline I'm going to use to create the new model


Also, I've never seen one of these without the corners being bent at the bottom, so where I cut into the shell will be the next step in the project, I'm even thinking about making a version with bent corners to be more true to life.

Once again thank to Ecto-1 Builder who has provided a TON of reference pictures and measurements that will make this project possible.
Kingpin, Ecto-1Builder liked this
Quick progress report, managed to get the shell outline into Blender using a bezier curve to get the initial shape, then converted to a mesh, and rotated to create the outline. One super helpful tool when dealing with neverending decimal place numbers is that you can enter values as fractions, so I rotate 360/22 (works in Photoshop and Blender) and you can even add multiples so if you want to rotate 5 units you'd enter it as 360/22 * 5 and the program will do the work for you

By TTeacher
Really happy with the shell so far, next step is making the cuts in the bottom. Measurements were 4.161 inch diameter, 3.7705 length.

Kingpin liked this
By TTeacher
Alright, got the cuts made to the bottom of the shell, a few challenges getting the measurements right and the model to look right, glad to be over this hurdle

By TTeacher
Added the holes to the feet. I think this is a good compromise from the feet on the original that look to be spot welded on. This is a pretty stable support for the Gentec body. I'm thinking about adding some screw holes for some extra strength, or maybe even a raised area that will fit into the bottom of the Gentec Body. Will probably offer those as options when I post the model.


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